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Truth - Part 2 Session 1


Welcome to Integrity: The Best Foundation, the book and video series designed to help you live and lead with integrity.

Is honesty the best policy? Henry Cloud says "Telling the truth is the first part of having an orientation towards truth." I believe being honest, even when it costs you, is the second part of having an orientation towards truth.

Well, let's go back to the ancient story of Israel and the Gibeonites. We left this story just as Joshua discovered that they had been duped. As a result, he and his generals confronted the Gibeonites, and Joshua reminded them that their treaty stated Israel would not destroy them, but protect them, and in return, the people of Gibeon would serve Israel. And in light of their deception, they would serve not just by paying taxes, but they would lose their freedoms. They would become servants forced to do menial tasks, such as hauling water or cutting wood.

Then the story takes a surprising twist. Within days of Joshua imposing the strongest terms possible in the covenant, the local coalition of five kings learned about Gibeon's peace treaty with Israel; and they were outraged at the Gibeonites, because, instead of joining forces with them, they had gone and done their own thing. And, motivated by revenge, all five armies marched against Gibeon, intent in destroying the city and its inhabitants. So, in desperation, they cried out for help.

And what would Israel do? I wonder if Joshua thought, "Well, those Gibeonites, they're getting exactly what they deserved. I'll let the five kings do what I would have liked to have done." Would he delay his coming, just hoping that the Gibeonites would somehow suffer a little?

Joshua did the right thing, even when it cost him. And, as frustrating as it was for Israel, they did what truthfulness required. Joshua and his army marched all night in order to come to Gibeon's defense. And they arrived in the early morning. And their swift response caught the five kings by complete surprise. And in the battle that ensued, Joshua and his army conquered the coalition. The historian records that Joshua defeated the entire allied forces in one day. And the writer adds, "God helped Joshua."

I believe God is always on the side of truthful people. Let us for a moment circle back and consider three things that we find in this story:

First, Joshua confronted the dishonesty. Integrity does not ignore, sidestep, or avoid a conflict. Joshua dealt with the situation with truth and wisdom. And when he confronted the deception, he employed all six pillars of integrity. His confrontation was accomplished without losing his honour, his dignity, trustworthiness, truthfulness, influence, or authenticity. And as a result, integrity guided the final outcome.

Secondly, Joshua sought a resolution. Between learning of the dishonesty and confronting the offenders, Joshua had time to kind of lower his emotions and consider his options and approach them from a position of strength. The terms of the treaty stated the Gibeonites were to serve Israel. And Joshua's goal was a confrontation that would bring about appropriate resolution.

We can learn a lot about conflict resolution from Joshua. Joshua teaches us to stay objective; to acknowledge the problem; to focus on the problem not the people; to recognize areas of agreement and start working from there; to be patient.

Lastly, Joshua kept his word. Integrity proved inconvenient, as well as costly. Keeping his word meant Israel would march all night and fight all day. Remember that. Remember that sooner or later, the five-army coalition will have attacked Joshua. So, in effect, the ultimate defeat of the enemy's armies took place much sooner than was expected.

Now, when we act with integrity, things don't always work out the way we wish. But doing what we ought to do, even when it costs us, reinforces the foundation of character and leadership in your life. And over time, it will produce a reward.


So here's our group question to begin to discuss:

Share a time when you did what integrity required, even though it cost you.

What was the outcome of your decision?

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