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Try to imagine a world without integrity. Remove this foundational value from science, engineering, leadership, commerce, law, education, journalism, religion, sports or the arts and they can’t survive. Integrity sustains. It is the foundation upon which you build life.

This blog is called Integrity-Trust. It is meant to be like the “i-t” of integrity. Here you will find posts on what integrity really means.

Be sure to regularly check our blog to stay up to date on the latest posts and news.

CLI moves beyond anti-corruption programs; it is a pro-integrity lifestyle. Check out our videos to learn more about CLI, our mission and our values.

Afterwards check out our 12 part course to learn the true meaning of integrity.

Click the link below to access the Code Name Integrity Teacher's Manual

CLI functions as a not for profit program.  We work in association with Loads of Love and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.  All funds acquired in the sale of resource materials are used to address corruption through the distribution of the materials and training events.

Click here to download our annual report.

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Commissioning a Lifestyle of Integrity

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Code Name Integrity