Thank you so much for your donation and for partnering with us. Loads of Love uses Canada Helps to process donations and your income tax receipt will be issued by Canada Helps at the end of the year.
Please send e-transfers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
A tax receipt is issued for all donations over $20 annually. Please add your mailing address in the NOTE section of the E-Transfer and make sure to indicate that it is for CLI.
For Mail-In Donations
Please Print, Fill In and Mail this Donation Form Along with your Cheque or Money Order, made Payable to: Loads of Love Humanitarian Aid and Mission Society. Please indicate that your donation is for CLI in the designation of funds section.
CLI functions as a not for profit program. We work in association with Loads of Love and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. All funds acquired in the sale of resource materials are used to address corruption through the distribution of the materials and training events.