This blog is called Integrity-Trust. It is mean to be like the “i-t” of integrity. Here are some reasons you will want to check out “i-t” on a regular basis.
QNA – Inquiring Thought. A person committed to a lifestyle of integrity will encounter some challenges. “i-t” will probe deeply into the tough, and complex questions that the pursuit of integrity raises.
Coaching – In-depth Teaching. “i-t” presents information not found in the book. The blog will explores critical topics and provide practical application. “i-t” is written to equip the person who is serious about living a life of integrity.

CLI Newsletter- August 2024 Edition
1-2-3 ACTION!
Filming Has Begun!
Kenya Updates
It was such a fantastic 10 days in Kenya. We had the privilege to be on the first day of filming Code Name Integrity and literally watched the children’s curriculum come to life! Hope TV was so impressive as they brought professionalism and grace to everything as the cast responded with confidence, skill and adaptability.
It turns out that one of the adult actors (Neequole who is playing Dr…

Operating System
Recently, I was on a Zoom call with a friend, and we started to talk about the WHY of Integrity. He asked me, Why do you think integrity is so important? I thought about how do I explain my passion and conviction to him in a memorable way. And here's what I said.
Think about your smartphone. They're pretty impressive. Sometimes I actually think my smartphone is smarter than I am. Now on my phone, I have dozens of apps. And these apps or appli…

Leadership is impossible without integrity. And integrity is inconceivable without doing the right thing even if it costs you.
The true story is told of a father who took his son shopping for a guitar. The boy had worked hard to save enough money to purchase a Gibson guitar, the one of his dreams. And the father encouraged him and said, “I will pay the taxes.” They went to the store and they found the exact instrument the boy dreamed of ownin…

Get Out of Your Rut Part 2
Are you in a rut of the same old thinking, the same old results? last time we were together we shared three steps to get out of your rut:
1. Assume responsibility for your rut
2. Believe that you can change
3. Clarify what you wanted to change
Today, we're going to talk about number four, Don't wait for ideal circumstances, the perfect time to act will never come. Ecclesiastes says, “If you want perfect conditions nothing will ever get…

Get Out of Your Rut
Today we're going to talk about ruts. It's been said, “The difference between a rut and a grave is the dimension.” Ruts develop in our relationships, work, or spiritual lives when we have not changed what we do or how we do it for a very long time, and as a result life becomes dull and disinteresting. But the good news is we don't have to remain in a but there's a way out. And I've discovered six steps to help myself and others get out of life…

Strength in weakness
Strength usually takes you further than weakness, but pretending you have it all together will sabotage your potential, it'll sabotage your relationships, and communication. Strength based relationship is no excuse to ignore the benefits of weakness. You don't have to have it all together, and you don't do everything well. It’s healthy to get over yourself. People who deny their weakness often lose perspective and relationships falter because…

Play to your strengths
People often say, “Good leaders are well-rounded.” This notion has resulted in some massive frustration for those who embrace it. Today, I want to address this common assumption. What if we traded well-roundedness, for playing to our strength. Trying to be balanced can be exasperated, while playing to your strength can be invigorating. We all know it feels good to work from our strengths. But what makes playing from our strength so powerful…

Parable of the Pencil
If you are interested in making a difference in this world, you need to know three things. Remember these three things and you'll become the best person you can possibly be. Now all of them are Illustrated with a pencil.
First, look at this pencil. You know that for a pencil to be useful from time to time, again and again, the pencil will have to be sharpened. I think if the pencil had feelings we can only imagine how painful and unwelcome th…

Lessons About Priorities
One day, my father and I were reorganizing the family garage. While working together my dad called me over to the workbench and said, “Hey I want to teach you an important life lesson.” He took a litre container and he placed it on the workbench. Next, he filled the container with golf balls, and then he asked me, “Is the container full?" I said, “Well sure, you can't put any more golf balls in it.” Then he took a bag of coarse pebbles and…