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Our Vision

Integrity is not like and app on your smartphone, integrity is the operating system.

The long-term benefits of integrity are superior to the short-term gains of corruption.

Integrity will:

  • Instruct good character.
  • Improve economic performance.
  • Increase trust in relationships and the marketplace.
  • Inspire honesty and honour.
  • Insure quality of products and communication.
  • Invent a preferred future for the next generation.


What We Do?

Commissioning a Lifestyle of Integrity Canada serves in partnership with leaders and individuals to inspire and develop integrity.

  • Our training days and/or summits establish the foundation for the Six Pillars of integrity.
  • Our mentorship program includes a teaching manual plus a guide to cohort (small group) integrity practices.
  • Our pillars provide a means to measure and assure integrity.
  • Our trainers and leadership team do follow-up and coaching.
  • Our growing group of resources include an audio book, videos, PowerPoint, blogs, website and social media.
  • Our joy is to connect people of integrity to one another.

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Promouvoir un mode de vie d’intégrité

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