Meet The Team

Our Executive Director - Bill Pipke
After 39 years of pastoral leadership, Bill and Shirley became Global Workers. This step was not a surprise. It came after years of mission involvement. During his pastoral leadership he was actively involved in missions. He conducted training summits, lead mission teams, medical teams and conducted evangelistic crusades in Europe, Africa and Indonesia. They helped to plant over 500 churches world-wide. Bill partnered in the development of a Canadian Charity called Loads of Love, which provides global crisis relief and humanitarian aid.
Presently, Bill and Shirley are Canadian-based Global Workers. Most days, Bill can be found on a media platform participating in one-on-one international meetings. Today’s technologies maximize Bill's opportunity to influence and mentor from home. However, much of each year they still devote to the global travel schedule necessary to direct cli.
Bill’s vision is to raise an integrity movement in every country cli enters. He hopes to accomplish this by equipping people to live a pro-integrity lifestyle. cli is a character-based approach to conquer corruption and create cultures of integrity.
Bill dreams of raising a generation of integrity-driven leaders in business, church, education, family, professions, sports, media, technology and the government who will build a culture of integrity, where now a culture of corruption currently exists.

CLI Team Members - Bruce and Wanda
Bruce and Wanda have been married and have worked together for over forty years in various leadership roles. They have travelled extensively, teaching, and encouraging others, as well as spending several years leading children's summer camps, and pastoring churches at home in Canada.
Wanda is a worship leader, and songwriter with a strong desire to see children informed and encouraged to come close to Jesus. She has written and produced several songs to this effect for a ministry she started called, KiDs Worship. Through Bruce’s involvement in bringing a transformational message to Sierra Leone, he connected with Bill and a great partnership developed. Wanda went on a subsequent trip with them, and God began to unfold the plan for Code Name Integrity, the CLI children’s curriculum!
Bruce and Wanda are excited to work together with Bill and the team! It is their desire to be influencers for God’s Kingdom, living out their part in God’s story of discipling nations.
They have five married children and 19 grandchildren (had to throw that in!) and live in Brantford, Ontario.

CLI Team Member - Leah Broomfield
Leah Broomfield is an ordained minister, originally from Paris, Ontario, Canada. After High School her adventures travelling around the world with Jesus began. She attended Bible College at Christ for the Nations Institute (CFNI) in Dallas, TX, for three years from 1991-1993 and received a diploma in Cross Cultural Missions and Biblical Studies. During her time at CFNI Leah was able to travel to 49 states in the US, 100’s of churches, into many different denominations, and several different countries. From there she was a youth pastor for 3 years in Mississippi and in Toronto, Canada. In 1996 she joined Youth With A Mission (YWAM).
Leah has been in full time Christian ministry for 30 years, 27 of which she has served in Youth With A Mission. Over the years Leah’s missions work has led her to more than 60 countries, where she has ministered and taught God’s Word. She has a passion to see this generation know the Bible and know how to live out God’s values in every-day life so that nations are impacted and changed.
During her time in YWAM, Leah has led communication teams for more than 15 years and she has directed The Template Institute for 12 years; a ministry of Youth With A Mission that was founded by the international Bible teacher and author Landa Cope in 2005. Leah continues to lead seminars and events to better train and equip leaders in the Body of Christ to be more effective in their vocational callings. She has a Masters in Christian Formation and Discipleship and has created curriculums to help people grow and live more like Jesus. She is dedicated to teaching others about God and His Kingdom, so that they bear more Kingdom fruit in the countries and communities that they live in. She is now living in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.
National Teams
The strategy of cli is to develop national leadership within each country. The Executive Director together with other National CLI representatives mentor the new leadership team for each country. cli is fully committed to equip integrity champions to provide country specific direction. It is the national champion and his advisory team in partnership with cli that guides the Integrity movement.
CLI is thrilled to introduce you to our national champions. Each of them gives leadership to a National advisory teams.
- Canada – Bill Pipke
- Ghana – Christian Essandoh
- Kenya - Bonifes Adoyo
- Sierra Leone – Desmond Johnson
- Togo – Ron Rust
International Team
The work of the cli National advisory teams is guided by the vision of the cli Board. The spread of integrity truly requires a collaborative effort. The message, strategies and resources of cli direct a unified front against corruption. Our current Board Members are:
- Bill Pipke
- Blair Andrews
- Brent Schram
- Chuck Burton
- Gordon Peters
- Herm Martens
- Richard Bankert