Five Core Components

Manuals present the core information necessary to become a person of integrity. The Manuals are the study guide for personal growth and cohort training. The cli manual will equip each participant to develop the six Pillars of integrity as a lifestyle.

Cohorts are groups of up to ten people who meet to study the cli manual. They encourage one another to implement each pillar. Cohorts take the information in the manual and apply it to life. Personal growth happens best with the encouragement of a cohort. A cohort experience moves participants beyond information to application and voluntary integrity accountability.

Mountains represent seven sectors of influence in each culture. This metaphor helps assure CLI that the influence of integrity reaches every member of society. Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham were the first to define society using 7 mountains. CLI has adapted the general concept and applied it to our strategy for developing a movement of integrity. The 7 mountains cli uses are: education, business, family, government, church, professions and s.a.m.e. (sports arts media and entertainment).

Summits inspire people who have completed a cohort and equip people to sustain their commitment to live with integrity. Summits also inform people who are interested in learning more about integrity. Attendees are encouraged through personal testimonies, inspiring speakers and powerful training sessions. Often the highlight of a summit is the commissioning of people who have committed themselves to live a lifestyle of integrity.

Pillars form the basis of the CLI teaching and represent the six foundational characteristics necessary for the development of a lifestyle of integrity. We chose this metaphor because ancient pillars stood as impressive, strong, enduring foundations.

Pillar of Influence
- Establishes the purpose of POWER.
- The selfish use of power results in impoverishment and oppression.
- The unselfish use of power results in enrichment and opportunity.
Pillar of Trust
- Establishes healthy DEPENDABILITY.
- People who cannot trust you won’t build a relationship with you.
- People who can trust you will want a relationship.
Pillar of Honour
- Establishes POSSIBILITY.
- When honour is withheld, fear, selfishness and insecurity bind potential.
- When honour is given, love, selflessness and security liberate potential.
Pillar of Dignity
- Establishes our IDENTITY
- When dignity is lacking, people can easily defraud and destroy.
- When dignity is present, people will readily value and protect.
Pillar of Truth
- Establishes CREDIBILITY.
- Dishonesty never produces sustainable success.
- Honesty is the only way to produce sustainable success.
Pillar of Authenticity
- Establishes TRANSPARENCY.
- Without authenticity, people question their identity and existence.
- Authentic people know who they are and why they exist.
Is movement of integrity sustainable?
cli believes developing one person of integrity at a time is the best way to create a sustainable movement of integrity. Following the completion of a cohort training experience, participants graduate. During the graduation ceremony, they receive a public commission to live a life of integrity. Their commission includes a personal pledge and a Certificate. Each graduate is then invited to lead a cohort.
cli is currently committed to developing a kid’s integrity book. This material will be designed to help (8-12) year old children become people of integrity. Our hope is that the material will be used by parents, school teachers, Sunday school teachers, club leaders and camp leaders.